Friday, January 23, 2009

Cloning - A Moral Dilemma

1) Do you think there are any positive uses for cloning either animals or humans or both?
- We learned about cloning in biology, about how they cloned animals. I do think that cloning animals can be a good thing but only if everything inside the animal is actually OK to use. Like if you clone a pig and use the heart for a human that is in need and can't find a human heart I see that it would be OK only if the heart is OK to use and everything about the heart is right. I think cloning animals are OK only if it is helping man kind but cloning humans well that is a different story, it is kind of weird to clone a human. what positive thing can you get out of cloning a human, I guess you can use there organs but wouldn't you feel terrible killing a human just for the organs even if it is a clone it is still a human. I don't know, I think animals there is a positive thing you can do for cloning but humans I don't think there is a positive behind cloning.

2) What are some of the possible negative ramifications of cloning?
- If you clone something or someone there are things like if they will act the same, like same personality. You could clone something bad, or mess up on doing something during the process. there are a lot of things that could be negative about cloning. I don't think that cloning the cells or molecules could be good for them though, kind of sounds bad. And why would you want to clone really, what is the reason behind doing it? When we learned about cloning in biology they said that they are thinking of using or are using the cloned meat so you can eat it. but what if that meat isn't good, what if something like the I Am Legend thing happens and it would be all there fault, that would suck. and doing this cloning they had to make sure the things they were using was right so they are using animals to do so. the animals they are using to get the chemicals right are dieing, they are killing animals that don't deserve it. they are like murderers.

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