Thursday, February 12, 2009

Job Shadowing

I job shadowed my dad and he is an electrician. His new project is working at the new Risen King church on Oasis rd in Redding. Everyday my dad comes home and complains about something new hurting him everything on his body hurts at least once a week. So with him coming home and complaining all the time I wanted to know what he does why he is hurting all the time. I was nervous at first because I didn't know what I would be doing or what he would be doing. But he runs 6 others guys so it couldn't be that hard right. Well hopefully I am right but I knew I would be wrong.
When I was getting ready I put on 3 shirts and a sweater, 2 pairs of pants, huge socks a beanie and gloves. When I was driving to the job site I was only thinking about what it was going to be like, I knew I wasn't going to be cold since I couldn't move loll. When I got there I found my dad and he told me that mainly he walks about all day and makes sure that the guys that work for him are doing their job. So I would follow my dad around and watch the guys work. With them working on a church there were very many men in the building doing different things so it was loud in there and the wind and rain didn't help. There was no heater and the windows on the church weren't put in so all the wind and rain came in. The floors were wet, so my shoes and socks got so wet thank goodness my dad brought extra shoes. So not only was I wearing my dad's big huge warm pants, his jacket, and now his shoes, some of the guys ended up confusing me with my dad since I was hovering over them watching what they were doing the whole day. With being an electrician your job is pretty secure since your job is so dangerous, you need 2 years internship and 4 years journeyman ship. But even though your job is secure it is hard to find projects, and during a certain season you are lucky if you even have a job you are most likely laid off.
It was really cool because when I would follow some of the other guys around of hover over them they would teach me what they were doing and had me help them. I have been to the job site so many times before so they didn't really care that I was there, they still did there normal business just as if I wasn't there. It was nice to see them act the same though. but it sucked my mom gave me money for lunch and my dad never took me out to lunch, he had one of his guys go get some food for breakfast but that was it for the food that we ate on the job site. With us working on Oasis rd. it was FREEZING at first when my dad was complain I was thinking ok you big baby it is not cold at all, but later in the day it hit me, it was freaking cold. They had paper on the walls of the church out side so when the wind blew really hard not only could you feel it but you can hear it. It rained like crazy, rained cats and dogs, so we got wet, which didn't help anything at all. I was just happen when I was able to go home and get warm.

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