Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Frankenstein Have You Ever....

Have you ever.....

1) Judged someone on appearance only?
- When i first meet someone i do judge on appearance, but i think that every does in some way or another. i do think it is sad that i do judge on that first but yet again who really doesn't? like for example when i was with my cousin i met her best friend and i did judge her on out side at first, thought she looked nice thought i would give her a chance, but than when gave her a chance she seemed rude.....but after while i stared to like her a little more. Also when i walk by someone on the street i judge them right then and there, weather or not they give my gut a good feeling or a bad one. i don't know why i judge on first appearance and my gut feeling maybe it is because i was taught that way or maybe it is just want the human race does, i don't know.

2) Been so worried about someone or something that it affected you physically?
- I would say that i have worried about someone or something that it has affected me but i don't know about it being physically but more mentally or emotionally. everyone I care about i worry about, even if it is about the simple things. like when my mom was going through this weird stage and had to go tot he hospital and go through alot of tests to figure out what was wrong with her. or when i hear that my friends family is going through a hard time. or finding out that my boyfriend's back was messed up and two plates where pintching a nerve and hurting him really bad. or when my mom's friend is having trouble with her husband. or finding out that a friends parents are having a hard time being together. finding out bad things about my firneds makes me worry big time. i am the kind of person that worries about everything and everyone. i don't know why i worry so much but i do, i guess someone has to right.

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