Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Chapter 15 & 16 Questions

Chapters 15-16 Questions -

For each of these questions I would like you to explain beyond a simple yes or no. Use specific examples from the book whenever possible.

1. Do you think the monster had other realistic options for dealing with his feelings of isolation and anger?

- I think he did, he could of done what every other human pretty much does talks about it to either him self or nature, or not even act on his anger and get over it.

2. Up until this point there has been much "coincidence" that has lead the monster to Victor, for example, his finding Victor’s journal and happening to run into William in the woods. Mary Shelley has been criticized for relying too much on coincidence to advance the plot of this novel. Do you agree or disagree with this criticism? Explain your opinion.

- No i do not agree with this, if this didn't happen in the story than you would never know how he found Victor or even knew that Victor was his creator and where he was going.

3. Do you think Victor will comply with the monster’s request? Why or why not?

- I really don't know yes so than maybe the monster will leave him allow but no because than bad could happen with two monsters and than once he has his way with one thing he might ask for more

4. Do you think Victor should comply with the monster’s request? Why or why not?

- I think he sould so that way he is not lonely and he might leave him and his family alone, but if he does than once he has someone to love him he might want kids and you might never know that new monster might not even love monsty and than monsty would be even more hurt more do more damage.

5. Do you think the monster is guilty of murder? Why or why not.

- No because he didn't know what he was doing to the boy until the boy was dead.

6. Do you think that Victor is partly responsible for William’s death? If no, why not. If yes, what should be his punishment?

- Yes i do because if he didn't make the monster or didn't leave it than this would of never even happened. I am not to sure what should be his punishment death might be to harsh because he does not control the monster and it's actions maybe jail till death

7. At this point in the book, do you think the monster is truly a monster? Explain your answer.

- I think that he is gradually turning into one, if everyone was not so mean to him and ran from him than his anger to human would of never even happened.

8. Do you excuse any of the monster’s actions because he was neglected by Victor and treated in such a cruel manner by other humans?

- In a way yes but in a way no, he could of just let the anger go and not act on him agner but he was treat so badly by everyone that all he wanted to do was pay them back

9. Would you excuse another human being for his or her violent actions because he or she was previously neglected, abused, bullied or otherwise victimized? Why or why not.

- No if they were treated that way then they sould not want to treat anyone else that way to.

10. Do you think that Mary Shelley intended this novel to be critical of mankind’s scientific advancements? What kind of a statement
do you believe she might be making?

- No i think that she didn't intend to do it it just ended up happening that way. Not to treat people so badly because you actions could make them do even worse actions.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

9-year old marries

So the story is that a 9 year old girl from Texas got married who has touched many hearts. Her parents had little time to plan and they got together in a weeks time. They only decided to marry her because she has been fighting leukemia for 2 years, and they will be soon saying good bye in less than a few weeks. Her last wish was to be married to the boy she loves, they met at the medical center and have been going through the same struggle. The marrage was about life and Friendship and the family loving and enjoying every minute.

I think that this is acceptable only because she has leukemia for 2 years. i think that it is cute that her last wish was to get married, and that she loves the kid that she is married to. How her parents were able to plan a weeding in less than a week suprises me. I think it is cute how the boy is willing to marry her, but he is also under the same situation. it is a good thing that even though she is going to die she will have every girl dream done and she will die happy.

but yet she is also 9 years old and to young to get married, even though it was her last wish she is to young. how does she know what love is at 9? she doesn't know what love is she knows what likeing is not loving. even though she has had leukemia for 2 years that doesn't mean she couldn't fight it. so now she is stuck in that marrige with the boy and that boy is stuck with her. i think that if it was a sure thing that she does that it is fine, but if she might than it shouldn't be aloud. i disagree with a 9 year old getting married.


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Job Shadowing

I job shadowed my dad and he is an electrician. His new project is working at the new Risen King church on Oasis rd in Redding. Everyday my dad comes home and complains about something new hurting him everything on his body hurts at least once a week. So with him coming home and complaining all the time I wanted to know what he does why he is hurting all the time. I was nervous at first because I didn't know what I would be doing or what he would be doing. But he runs 6 others guys so it couldn't be that hard right. Well hopefully I am right but I knew I would be wrong.
When I was getting ready I put on 3 shirts and a sweater, 2 pairs of pants, huge socks a beanie and gloves. When I was driving to the job site I was only thinking about what it was going to be like, I knew I wasn't going to be cold since I couldn't move loll. When I got there I found my dad and he told me that mainly he walks about all day and makes sure that the guys that work for him are doing their job. So I would follow my dad around and watch the guys work. With them working on a church there were very many men in the building doing different things so it was loud in there and the wind and rain didn't help. There was no heater and the windows on the church weren't put in so all the wind and rain came in. The floors were wet, so my shoes and socks got so wet thank goodness my dad brought extra shoes. So not only was I wearing my dad's big huge warm pants, his jacket, and now his shoes, some of the guys ended up confusing me with my dad since I was hovering over them watching what they were doing the whole day. With being an electrician your job is pretty secure since your job is so dangerous, you need 2 years internship and 4 years journeyman ship. But even though your job is secure it is hard to find projects, and during a certain season you are lucky if you even have a job you are most likely laid off.
It was really cool because when I would follow some of the other guys around of hover over them they would teach me what they were doing and had me help them. I have been to the job site so many times before so they didn't really care that I was there, they still did there normal business just as if I wasn't there. It was nice to see them act the same though. but it sucked my mom gave me money for lunch and my dad never took me out to lunch, he had one of his guys go get some food for breakfast but that was it for the food that we ate on the job site. With us working on Oasis rd. it was FREEZING at first when my dad was complain I was thinking ok you big baby it is not cold at all, but later in the day it hit me, it was freaking cold. They had paper on the walls of the church out side so when the wind blew really hard not only could you feel it but you can hear it. It rained like crazy, rained cats and dogs, so we got wet, which didn't help anything at all. I was just happen when I was able to go home and get warm.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Cloning - A Moral Dilemma

1) Do you think there are any positive uses for cloning either animals or humans or both?
- We learned about cloning in biology, about how they cloned animals. I do think that cloning animals can be a good thing but only if everything inside the animal is actually OK to use. Like if you clone a pig and use the heart for a human that is in need and can't find a human heart I see that it would be OK only if the heart is OK to use and everything about the heart is right. I think cloning animals are OK only if it is helping man kind but cloning humans well that is a different story, it is kind of weird to clone a human. what positive thing can you get out of cloning a human, I guess you can use there organs but wouldn't you feel terrible killing a human just for the organs even if it is a clone it is still a human. I don't know, I think animals there is a positive thing you can do for cloning but humans I don't think there is a positive behind cloning.

2) What are some of the possible negative ramifications of cloning?
- If you clone something or someone there are things like if they will act the same, like same personality. You could clone something bad, or mess up on doing something during the process. there are a lot of things that could be negative about cloning. I don't think that cloning the cells or molecules could be good for them though, kind of sounds bad. And why would you want to clone really, what is the reason behind doing it? When we learned about cloning in biology they said that they are thinking of using or are using the cloned meat so you can eat it. but what if that meat isn't good, what if something like the I Am Legend thing happens and it would be all there fault, that would suck. and doing this cloning they had to make sure the things they were using was right so they are using animals to do so. the animals they are using to get the chemicals right are dieing, they are killing animals that don't deserve it. they are like murderers.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Frankenstein Have You Ever....

Have you ever.....

1) Judged someone on appearance only?
- When i first meet someone i do judge on appearance, but i think that every does in some way or another. i do think it is sad that i do judge on that first but yet again who really doesn't? like for example when i was with my cousin i met her best friend and i did judge her on out side at first, thought she looked nice thought i would give her a chance, but than when gave her a chance she seemed rude.....but after while i stared to like her a little more. Also when i walk by someone on the street i judge them right then and there, weather or not they give my gut a good feeling or a bad one. i don't know why i judge on first appearance and my gut feeling maybe it is because i was taught that way or maybe it is just want the human race does, i don't know.

2) Been so worried about someone or something that it affected you physically?
- I would say that i have worried about someone or something that it has affected me but i don't know about it being physically but more mentally or emotionally. everyone I care about i worry about, even if it is about the simple things. like when my mom was going through this weird stage and had to go tot he hospital and go through alot of tests to figure out what was wrong with her. or when i hear that my friends family is going through a hard time. or finding out that my boyfriend's back was messed up and two plates where pintching a nerve and hurting him really bad. or when my mom's friend is having trouble with her husband. or finding out that a friends parents are having a hard time being together. finding out bad things about my firneds makes me worry big time. i am the kind of person that worries about everything and everyone. i don't know why i worry so much but i do, i guess someone has to right.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration of Barack Obama

1) Do you think that having an African American president will have any impact on our country?
- I think that having Obama as a president will effect the country very much, mainly because his full focus is to change the country in very many different ways. But i wanted Obama to win so i think that the changes he will make will be good changes. But i also think that is will be hard for us to get to the good part of the change and doing those changes will impact us very much in very many different ways. But i also think that just because he is African American people don't like him, it is very sad that we judge him on his color on how good he will do as a president. i think that if he was white people would like him all of a sudden which is very sad. i think that the things that will happen to this country when he is inaugurated will be good for us it will just take some time for people to get use to. and who knows he might not do everything he promised he would do.
2) Do you think that having an African American president will have any impact on you personally?
- I think everyone will be effect by this personally. but it matters on who you are and what you think about his changes that will affect you good or bad. but i think that everyone should give everything a chance maybe it will be good for them personally. Seriously no matter what he does or doesn't do it will affect everyone and everything personally. and i think that is McCain was president it will affect everyone and everything personally to. It doesn't matter who it is or what color they are it is the fact that we are having a new president, just that part (having a new president) will affect EVERYONE personally in the present and in the future.
3) On your children?
- It matters on what he does for it to affect my children. But pretty much no matter what he does will affect them in some way or another, just matters what he does. Like i said before no matter what he does will affect everyone and everything no matter if he is African American or not, the fact that there is a new president will affect everyone in the present and in the future, just a known fact.