Narrator: One day King Arthur went hunting in the forest with his servants, and soon they became separated. All of a sudden he found that his body was frozen and he could not move a muscle. A figure dressed in pitch-black armor approached him, saying,
Gromer: "Arthur, I have you in my power. You have wrongfully given my lands to Sir Gawain and for that, you will die unless you find the answer to a question I put to you."
Narrator: Arthur found that he could speak and asked,
King Arthur: "Who are you, and what is this question you wish me to answer?"
Gromer: "I am Gromer Somer Joure. If you would win your life, return here in twelve months with an answer to this question: What is it that every woman desires most?"
Narrator: than he was gone and the King found that he could move freely again.
Narrator: Once back to the court sir Gawain approached King Arthur and asks
Sir Gawain: “King Arthur what had happened in the woods”
Narrator: King Arthur told Gawain of what had happened to him in the forest. And sir Gawain replied with saying
Sir Gawain: “than I proposed that they ride and ask every woman they found what she most desires and collect the answers in a book.”
Narrator: They set out and asked women what they desired and soon they had a huge book of answers. But as many as they had found, they were still uneasy that any of the answers they had were the true one.
Narrator: Shortly before the King had to meet with Gromer Somer Joure, he rode again through the forest and had come across a hideously ugly woman, one who not only looked terrible with a foot-long dripping nose, donkey ears, and a gaping mouth with yellow teeth, but one who also smelled terribly. She stopped King Arthur saying
Dame Ragnell: “I have the right answer to your riddle that could save your life, but you have to agree to my terms to get the right answer” and could save his life, if he agreed to her terms.
King Arthur: “what are your terms?”
Dame Ragnell: "I am Dame Ragnell and I want to marry one of your most noble knights, Sir Gawain."
King Arthur: in a horrified voice “I can not promise you sir Gawain with out his consent and than I will return to you with his answer”
Narrator: He returned and explained the situation to Gawain. Without hesitation,
Gawain: “I will agree to marry her.”
Narrator: Arthur returned to the forest where Ragnell was waiting.
King Arthur: “Gawain has agreed to marry you but only if your answer is the one, but if one of the others we have collected is the one, the deal is off.”
Narrator: Satisfied with this, she gave Arthur the answer.
Narrator: On the appointed day, Arthur rode to meet with Gromer Somer Joure. Gromer appeared suddenly,
Gromer: “where is my answer to my question?”
Narrator: Arthur gave him the book with the answers they collected. Gromer looked it over,
Gromer: (Laugh in a deep laugh) “to prepare to die”.
King Arthur: "Wait, I have one more answer,"
Narrator: and Arthur gave him the answer
Gromer: (roared in frustration!) "Only my sister could have told you that! Go where you will, King Arthur, I will bother you no more."
Narrator: So Arthur returned to Ragnell and brought her back with him.
Dame Ragnell: I demanded to be married publicly and to have a great feast with all the nobles attending.”
Narrator: She was decked out in the most costly of dresses, but her manners repulsed everyone there. She ate great volumes of food with loud slurps and belches, food sometimes running down her chin.
Narrator: At last the wedding feast was over, and the couple led to their chamber. There Gawain gazed at the fire, reluctant to touch his bride, until she requested
Dame Ragnell: “kiss me Sir Gawain”.
Narrator: Bravely, he did so, only to find a most radiant woman in his arms. He stared speechless in wonder and, finally finding his words, ask
Sir Gawain: (shocked) “how could this be?”
Dame Ragnall: “My own brother, Gromer Somer Jure, had placed a spell on me which could only be broken if the best knight in the world had the courage to marry and kiss me”
Dame Ragnell: "I have waited in that shape until I found a man gentle enough to marry me. Now I offer you a choice: I can be fair by night and foul by day; or foul by night and fair by day. Decide which you want."
Narrator: Gawain thought for a while, thinking about the events that had lead to this moment, and then it came to him the answer he must give.
Sir Gawain: "I cannot make such a choice; that is for you to decide."
Dame Ragnell: "My lord, you are as wise as you are noble and true, for you have given me what every woman genuinely desires, sovereignty over herself. You will never see that hideous old hag again, for I choose to be fair from this time on."
Dame Ragnell: “You have discovered the solution to my brother’s riddle, which the greatest wish of all women is to be able to make their own decisions.”
Narrator: The gentle lady lived only five years with Gawain, and he mourned her death for the rest of his life.
1. ____ What happens to King Arthur in the forest and who is talking to him?
2. ____ What was he asked to answer in twelve months?
3. ____ What was wrong with the women that wanted to marry the knight Gawain?
4. ____ What was the deal made between Dame Ragnell and King Arthur?
5. ____ What was the answer to the riddle?
6. ____ What did Ragnell demand for the wedding?
7. ____ What happened to her once Gawain kissed her, and why did this happen?
8. ____ Gawain was given a choice to make, what was it and what was his answer?
9. ____ What did Ragnell decide to pick?
10. ____ How long did she live with Gawain before she died?
A. What is it that every woman desires most?
B. That they were married publicly and to have a great feast with all the nobles attending
C. That she would give him the answer in return of Gawain as a husband. If the answer is right they will marry if the answer is wrong the deal is off
D. He found that his body was quite frozen and he could not move a muscle. Gromer Somer Joure
E. Sovereignty, to rule their lives as they see fit, and make their own decisions
F. She picked to be fair
G. She lived for five years
H. She turned in a radiant woman, he brother had placed a spell on her which could only be broken if the best knight in the world had the courage to marry and kiss her.
I. I can be fair by night and foul by day; or foul by night and fair by day. He could not make such a choice and had her decide
J. She was ugly, foot-long dripping nose, donkey ears, and a gaping mouth with yellow teeth, and also smelled terribly
Gromer: "Arthur, I have you in my power. You have wrongfully given my lands to Sir Gawain and for that, you will die unless you find the answer to a question I put to you."
Narrator: Arthur found that he could speak and asked,
King Arthur: "Who are you, and what is this question you wish me to answer?"
Gromer: "I am Gromer Somer Joure. If you would win your life, return here in twelve months with an answer to this question: What is it that every woman desires most?"
Narrator: than he was gone and the King found that he could move freely again.
Narrator: Once back to the court sir Gawain approached King Arthur and asks
Sir Gawain: “King Arthur what had happened in the woods”
Narrator: King Arthur told Gawain of what had happened to him in the forest. And sir Gawain replied with saying
Sir Gawain: “than I proposed that they ride and ask every woman they found what she most desires and collect the answers in a book.”
Narrator: They set out and asked women what they desired and soon they had a huge book of answers. But as many as they had found, they were still uneasy that any of the answers they had were the true one.
Narrator: Shortly before the King had to meet with Gromer Somer Joure, he rode again through the forest and had come across a hideously ugly woman, one who not only looked terrible with a foot-long dripping nose, donkey ears, and a gaping mouth with yellow teeth, but one who also smelled terribly. She stopped King Arthur saying
Dame Ragnell: “I have the right answer to your riddle that could save your life, but you have to agree to my terms to get the right answer” and could save his life, if he agreed to her terms.
King Arthur: “what are your terms?”
Dame Ragnell: "I am Dame Ragnell and I want to marry one of your most noble knights, Sir Gawain."
King Arthur: in a horrified voice “I can not promise you sir Gawain with out his consent and than I will return to you with his answer”
Narrator: He returned and explained the situation to Gawain. Without hesitation,
Gawain: “I will agree to marry her.”
Narrator: Arthur returned to the forest where Ragnell was waiting.
King Arthur: “Gawain has agreed to marry you but only if your answer is the one, but if one of the others we have collected is the one, the deal is off.”
Narrator: Satisfied with this, she gave Arthur the answer.
Narrator: On the appointed day, Arthur rode to meet with Gromer Somer Joure. Gromer appeared suddenly,
Gromer: “where is my answer to my question?”
Narrator: Arthur gave him the book with the answers they collected. Gromer looked it over,
Gromer: (Laugh in a deep laugh) “to prepare to die”.
King Arthur: "Wait, I have one more answer,"
Narrator: and Arthur gave him the answer
Gromer: (roared in frustration!) "Only my sister could have told you that! Go where you will, King Arthur, I will bother you no more."
Narrator: So Arthur returned to Ragnell and brought her back with him.
Dame Ragnell: I demanded to be married publicly and to have a great feast with all the nobles attending.”
Narrator: She was decked out in the most costly of dresses, but her manners repulsed everyone there. She ate great volumes of food with loud slurps and belches, food sometimes running down her chin.
Narrator: At last the wedding feast was over, and the couple led to their chamber. There Gawain gazed at the fire, reluctant to touch his bride, until she requested
Dame Ragnell: “kiss me Sir Gawain”.
Narrator: Bravely, he did so, only to find a most radiant woman in his arms. He stared speechless in wonder and, finally finding his words, ask
Sir Gawain: (shocked) “how could this be?”
Dame Ragnall: “My own brother, Gromer Somer Jure, had placed a spell on me which could only be broken if the best knight in the world had the courage to marry and kiss me”
Dame Ragnell: "I have waited in that shape until I found a man gentle enough to marry me. Now I offer you a choice: I can be fair by night and foul by day; or foul by night and fair by day. Decide which you want."
Narrator: Gawain thought for a while, thinking about the events that had lead to this moment, and then it came to him the answer he must give.
Sir Gawain: "I cannot make such a choice; that is for you to decide."
Dame Ragnell: "My lord, you are as wise as you are noble and true, for you have given me what every woman genuinely desires, sovereignty over herself. You will never see that hideous old hag again, for I choose to be fair from this time on."
Dame Ragnell: “You have discovered the solution to my brother’s riddle, which the greatest wish of all women is to be able to make their own decisions.”
Narrator: The gentle lady lived only five years with Gawain, and he mourned her death for the rest of his life.
1. ____ What happens to King Arthur in the forest and who is talking to him?
2. ____ What was he asked to answer in twelve months?
3. ____ What was wrong with the women that wanted to marry the knight Gawain?
4. ____ What was the deal made between Dame Ragnell and King Arthur?
5. ____ What was the answer to the riddle?
6. ____ What did Ragnell demand for the wedding?
7. ____ What happened to her once Gawain kissed her, and why did this happen?
8. ____ Gawain was given a choice to make, what was it and what was his answer?
9. ____ What did Ragnell decide to pick?
10. ____ How long did she live with Gawain before she died?
A. What is it that every woman desires most?
B. That they were married publicly and to have a great feast with all the nobles attending
C. That she would give him the answer in return of Gawain as a husband. If the answer is right they will marry if the answer is wrong the deal is off
D. He found that his body was quite frozen and he could not move a muscle. Gromer Somer Joure
E. Sovereignty, to rule their lives as they see fit, and make their own decisions
F. She picked to be fair
G. She lived for five years
H. She turned in a radiant woman, he brother had placed a spell on her which could only be broken if the best knight in the world had the courage to marry and kiss her.
I. I can be fair by night and foul by day; or foul by night and fair by day. He could not make such a choice and had her decide
J. She was ugly, foot-long dripping nose, donkey ears, and a gaping mouth with yellow teeth, and also smelled terribly
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