Wednesday, November 19, 2008
What is the longest trip i have been on
I would have to say the longest trip i have to be on is my trip to Hawaii. It took for ever to get there, and i usually i go with my mom, dad, and my parents friends Amanda, David and their two kids baby Joe and baby Kate, and than go with Amana's parents Craig and Judy. ya i know a lot of people but it is so much fun, we usually go for 2 weeks, because we consider anything shorter than that for Hawaii isn't a trip. to start off our trip we go to the Redding airport fly to San Francisco, than each at a soup place in the airport, they have amazing soup in a sour dough bowl oh my gosh so good. than head off to Hawaii. we help watch the kids since they don't do good flying very well since they are 2 years old and 1 years old. once we get there we get our bags and wait for the guys to go get the car's. than once the car is packed we go straight to Costco to get supplies for our trip. than go to Buba Gumps for lunch/dinner. Than go to the place we are staying (usually a condo) and get our room, un-pack, than check out everyone else's room. usually the whole week the girls are watching the kids, on the beach, and the guys are golfing. than go out for dinner, have the guys watch the kids than walk down the streets and shop. we always have a blast and i always come home sun burnt, not tan. we do this every year, and always go back for more. i will always remember my first time there my parents took me to go ride jet ski's and i was riding with my dad and he let my drive for a little bit and the whole entire time he was yelling at me to stop and slow down but i didn't want to so i kept laughing because he was scared. the next day after that he was walking around so soar it looked like he had a stick up his butt or just left france. (lol) good times, good times.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Sir Gawain & Dame Ragnell Story

Narrator: One day King Arthur went hunting in the forest with his servants, and soon they became separated. All of a sudden he found that his body was frozen and he could not move a muscle. A figure dressed in pitch-black armor approached him, saying,
Gromer: "Arthur, I have you in my power. You have wrongfully given my lands to Sir Gawain and for that, you will die unless you find the answer to a question I put to you."
Narrator: Arthur found that he could speak and asked,
King Arthur: "Who are you, and what is this question you wish me to answer?"
Gromer: "I am Gromer Somer Joure. If you would win your life, return here in twelve months with an answer to this question: What is it that every woman desires most?"
Narrator: than he was gone and the King found that he could move freely again.
Narrator: Once back to the court sir Gawain approached King Arthur and asks
Sir Gawain: “King Arthur what had happened in the woods”
Narrator: King Arthur told Gawain of what had happened to him in the forest. And sir Gawain replied with saying
Sir Gawain: “than I proposed that they ride and ask every woman they found what she most desires and collect the answers in a book.”
Narrator: They set out and asked women what they desired and soon they had a huge book of answers. But as many as they had found, they were still uneasy that any of the answers they had were the true one.
Narrator: Shortly before the King had to meet with Gromer Somer Joure, he rode again through the forest and had come across a hideously ugly woman, one who not only looked terrible with a foot-long dripping nose, donkey ears, and a gaping mouth with yellow teeth, but one who also smelled terribly. She stopped King Arthur saying
Dame Ragnell: “I have the right answer to your riddle that could save your life, but you have to agree to my terms to get the right answer” and could save his life, if he agreed to her terms.
King Arthur: “what are your terms?”
Dame Ragnell: "I am Dame Ragnell and I want to marry one of your most noble knights, Sir Gawain."
King Arthur: in a horrified voice “I can not promise you sir Gawain with out his consent and than I will return to you with his answer”
Narrator: He returned and explained the situation to Gawain. Without hesitation,
Gawain: “I will agree to marry her.”
Narrator: Arthur returned to the forest where Ragnell was waiting.
King Arthur: “Gawain has agreed to marry you but only if your answer is the one, but if one of the others we have collected is the one, the deal is off.”
Narrator: Satisfied with this, she gave Arthur the answer.
Narrator: On the appointed day, Arthur rode to meet with Gromer Somer Joure. Gromer appeared suddenly,
Gromer: “where is my answer to my question?”
Narrator: Arthur gave him the book with the answers they collected. Gromer looked it over,
Gromer: (Laugh in a deep laugh) “to prepare to die”.
King Arthur: "Wait, I have one more answer,"
Narrator: and Arthur gave him the answer
Gromer: (roared in frustration!) "Only my sister could have told you that! Go where you will, King Arthur, I will bother you no more."
Narrator: So Arthur returned to Ragnell and brought her back with him.
Dame Ragnell: I demanded to be married publicly and to have a great feast with all the nobles attending.”
Narrator: She was decked out in the most costly of dresses, but her manners repulsed everyone there. She ate great volumes of food with loud slurps and belches, food sometimes running down her chin.
Narrator: At last the wedding feast was over, and the couple led to their chamber. There Gawain gazed at the fire, reluctant to touch his bride, until she requested
Dame Ragnell: “kiss me Sir Gawain”.
Narrator: Bravely, he did so, only to find a most radiant woman in his arms. He stared speechless in wonder and, finally finding his words, ask
Sir Gawain: (shocked) “how could this be?”
Dame Ragnall: “My own brother, Gromer Somer Jure, had placed a spell on me which could only be broken if the best knight in the world had the courage to marry and kiss me”
Dame Ragnell: "I have waited in that shape until I found a man gentle enough to marry me. Now I offer you a choice: I can be fair by night and foul by day; or foul by night and fair by day. Decide which you want."
Narrator: Gawain thought for a while, thinking about the events that had lead to this moment, and then it came to him the answer he must give.
Sir Gawain: "I cannot make such a choice; that is for you to decide."
Dame Ragnell: "My lord, you are as wise as you are noble and true, for you have given me what every woman genuinely desires, sovereignty over herself. You will never see that hideous old hag again, for I choose to be fair from this time on."
Dame Ragnell: “You have discovered the solution to my brother’s riddle, which the greatest wish of all women is to be able to make their own decisions.”
Narrator: The gentle lady lived only five years with Gawain, and he mourned her death for the rest of his life.
1. ____ What happens to King Arthur in the forest and who is talking to him?
2. ____ What was he asked to answer in twelve months?
3. ____ What was wrong with the women that wanted to marry the knight Gawain?
4. ____ What was the deal made between Dame Ragnell and King Arthur?
5. ____ What was the answer to the riddle?
6. ____ What did Ragnell demand for the wedding?
7. ____ What happened to her once Gawain kissed her, and why did this happen?
8. ____ Gawain was given a choice to make, what was it and what was his answer?
9. ____ What did Ragnell decide to pick?
10. ____ How long did she live with Gawain before she died?
A. What is it that every woman desires most?
B. That they were married publicly and to have a great feast with all the nobles attending
C. That she would give him the answer in return of Gawain as a husband. If the answer is right they will marry if the answer is wrong the deal is off
D. He found that his body was quite frozen and he could not move a muscle. Gromer Somer Joure
E. Sovereignty, to rule their lives as they see fit, and make their own decisions
F. She picked to be fair
G. She lived for five years
H. She turned in a radiant woman, he brother had placed a spell on her which could only be broken if the best knight in the world had the courage to marry and kiss her.
I. I can be fair by night and foul by day; or foul by night and fair by day. He could not make such a choice and had her decide
J. She was ugly, foot-long dripping nose, donkey ears, and a gaping mouth with yellow teeth, and also smelled terribly
Gromer: "Arthur, I have you in my power. You have wrongfully given my lands to Sir Gawain and for that, you will die unless you find the answer to a question I put to you."
Narrator: Arthur found that he could speak and asked,
King Arthur: "Who are you, and what is this question you wish me to answer?"
Gromer: "I am Gromer Somer Joure. If you would win your life, return here in twelve months with an answer to this question: What is it that every woman desires most?"
Narrator: than he was gone and the King found that he could move freely again.
Narrator: Once back to the court sir Gawain approached King Arthur and asks
Sir Gawain: “King Arthur what had happened in the woods”
Narrator: King Arthur told Gawain of what had happened to him in the forest. And sir Gawain replied with saying
Sir Gawain: “than I proposed that they ride and ask every woman they found what she most desires and collect the answers in a book.”
Narrator: They set out and asked women what they desired and soon they had a huge book of answers. But as many as they had found, they were still uneasy that any of the answers they had were the true one.
Narrator: Shortly before the King had to meet with Gromer Somer Joure, he rode again through the forest and had come across a hideously ugly woman, one who not only looked terrible with a foot-long dripping nose, donkey ears, and a gaping mouth with yellow teeth, but one who also smelled terribly. She stopped King Arthur saying
Dame Ragnell: “I have the right answer to your riddle that could save your life, but you have to agree to my terms to get the right answer” and could save his life, if he agreed to her terms.
King Arthur: “what are your terms?”
Dame Ragnell: "I am Dame Ragnell and I want to marry one of your most noble knights, Sir Gawain."
King Arthur: in a horrified voice “I can not promise you sir Gawain with out his consent and than I will return to you with his answer”
Narrator: He returned and explained the situation to Gawain. Without hesitation,
Gawain: “I will agree to marry her.”
Narrator: Arthur returned to the forest where Ragnell was waiting.
King Arthur: “Gawain has agreed to marry you but only if your answer is the one, but if one of the others we have collected is the one, the deal is off.”
Narrator: Satisfied with this, she gave Arthur the answer.
Narrator: On the appointed day, Arthur rode to meet with Gromer Somer Joure. Gromer appeared suddenly,
Gromer: “where is my answer to my question?”
Narrator: Arthur gave him the book with the answers they collected. Gromer looked it over,
Gromer: (Laugh in a deep laugh) “to prepare to die”.
King Arthur: "Wait, I have one more answer,"
Narrator: and Arthur gave him the answer
Gromer: (roared in frustration!) "Only my sister could have told you that! Go where you will, King Arthur, I will bother you no more."
Narrator: So Arthur returned to Ragnell and brought her back with him.
Dame Ragnell: I demanded to be married publicly and to have a great feast with all the nobles attending.”
Narrator: She was decked out in the most costly of dresses, but her manners repulsed everyone there. She ate great volumes of food with loud slurps and belches, food sometimes running down her chin.
Narrator: At last the wedding feast was over, and the couple led to their chamber. There Gawain gazed at the fire, reluctant to touch his bride, until she requested
Dame Ragnell: “kiss me Sir Gawain”.
Narrator: Bravely, he did so, only to find a most radiant woman in his arms. He stared speechless in wonder and, finally finding his words, ask
Sir Gawain: (shocked) “how could this be?”
Dame Ragnall: “My own brother, Gromer Somer Jure, had placed a spell on me which could only be broken if the best knight in the world had the courage to marry and kiss me”
Dame Ragnell: "I have waited in that shape until I found a man gentle enough to marry me. Now I offer you a choice: I can be fair by night and foul by day; or foul by night and fair by day. Decide which you want."
Narrator: Gawain thought for a while, thinking about the events that had lead to this moment, and then it came to him the answer he must give.
Sir Gawain: "I cannot make such a choice; that is for you to decide."
Dame Ragnell: "My lord, you are as wise as you are noble and true, for you have given me what every woman genuinely desires, sovereignty over herself. You will never see that hideous old hag again, for I choose to be fair from this time on."
Dame Ragnell: “You have discovered the solution to my brother’s riddle, which the greatest wish of all women is to be able to make their own decisions.”
Narrator: The gentle lady lived only five years with Gawain, and he mourned her death for the rest of his life.
1. ____ What happens to King Arthur in the forest and who is talking to him?
2. ____ What was he asked to answer in twelve months?
3. ____ What was wrong with the women that wanted to marry the knight Gawain?
4. ____ What was the deal made between Dame Ragnell and King Arthur?
5. ____ What was the answer to the riddle?
6. ____ What did Ragnell demand for the wedding?
7. ____ What happened to her once Gawain kissed her, and why did this happen?
8. ____ Gawain was given a choice to make, what was it and what was his answer?
9. ____ What did Ragnell decide to pick?
10. ____ How long did she live with Gawain before she died?
A. What is it that every woman desires most?
B. That they were married publicly and to have a great feast with all the nobles attending
C. That she would give him the answer in return of Gawain as a husband. If the answer is right they will marry if the answer is wrong the deal is off
D. He found that his body was quite frozen and he could not move a muscle. Gromer Somer Joure
E. Sovereignty, to rule their lives as they see fit, and make their own decisions
F. She picked to be fair
G. She lived for five years
H. She turned in a radiant woman, he brother had placed a spell on her which could only be broken if the best knight in the world had the courage to marry and kiss her.
I. I can be fair by night and foul by day; or foul by night and fair by day. He could not make such a choice and had her decide
J. She was ugly, foot-long dripping nose, donkey ears, and a gaping mouth with yellow teeth, and also smelled terribly
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Senior Reflection
*When you did the visualization of your funeral, how did you want to be remembered? What are some of the qualities or values that are important to you?
*During our discussion about “Circle of Influences” What were some of the important influences, events and people, in your life as you were growing up? How did these influences impact you and help shape you into the person that you are today?
*What was your reaction when you had the opportunity to read this letter again? Have your dreams or plans changed? What are some of your thoughts and feelings about your next step into the future?
Yesterday when we had to close our eyes and think of us on a country road, and we see a chapel so we walk to it thinking that the people walking inside look like people we know. we get inside and everyone in there are people that i know, they are there for my funeral. when being told to think about how i want my loved ones to remember me many things came to my mind. i would want them to think of my as a caring, loving, always happy, great person to be with, always nice, fun to be with, friendly, always the person to come to. i want to be remembered of all the good things in life put in one person (i know a lot of things in one person). I want to be remembered as a great person, but yet everyone does what to be remember as that.
I remember that when i was growing up i only had one set of grandparents, which was on my mom's side. My dad's parents were never around, my parents had something against them, i don't remember what it was exactly but i know it was big. so when my parents finally for gave them and they started big part of my life again that was really big for me. Mainly since my other set of grandparents weren't good grandparents, and didn't realize i was a good kid and wanted to get to know my more until i was 16. so they aren't a big part of my life like they should be. something else i really remember that has opened my eyes to the sprites around me is when my mom's best friend Sara her boyfriend bobby died. I was little when it happened so my parents kept me out of what happened. Sara and Bobby lived in Yereka and always came down to see us. Every time they would come down Bobby would always bring me something, he really liked me, and i liked him. i remember Sara gave me a stuffed monkey that she had when she was little, and i named it Sara sue. the same thing happened with bobby he gave me a stuffed monkey and i named it bobby (i still have both of them). i always looked forward to seeing them, i always had so much fun with them(Sara is like my mom). well one night they were drunk and Sara was driving home, they feel into a ravine and Sara lived but they couldn't find bobby, they gave up the search and Sara decided to look for him, she found him dead. i remember Sara living at our house after the accident, and them leaving to go to the funeral, i was so mad at them that i couldn't go. but since that has happened i always feel like he still watches over me, and i get the feelings he does still.
When knowing i was going to be handed a letter that i wrote to myself as a freshman about the career i wanted i couldn't rememeber writing a letter, but i wanted to know what i wrote myself. When i wrote the letter i wanted to be a wedding planner, but wow that has changed big time since i want to work in the food industry, reading that part of the letter made me laugh. thinking about my future makes me excited, but yet scared, hoping everything works out the way i want it, even though nothing goes as planned. but everything from my past to my future will and has changed me to make me the person i am today, and i think i am not that bad of a person.
*During our discussion about “Circle of Influences” What were some of the important influences, events and people, in your life as you were growing up? How did these influences impact you and help shape you into the person that you are today?
*What was your reaction when you had the opportunity to read this letter again? Have your dreams or plans changed? What are some of your thoughts and feelings about your next step into the future?
Yesterday when we had to close our eyes and think of us on a country road, and we see a chapel so we walk to it thinking that the people walking inside look like people we know. we get inside and everyone in there are people that i know, they are there for my funeral. when being told to think about how i want my loved ones to remember me many things came to my mind. i would want them to think of my as a caring, loving, always happy, great person to be with, always nice, fun to be with, friendly, always the person to come to. i want to be remembered of all the good things in life put in one person (i know a lot of things in one person). I want to be remembered as a great person, but yet everyone does what to be remember as that.
I remember that when i was growing up i only had one set of grandparents, which was on my mom's side. My dad's parents were never around, my parents had something against them, i don't remember what it was exactly but i know it was big. so when my parents finally for gave them and they started big part of my life again that was really big for me. Mainly since my other set of grandparents weren't good grandparents, and didn't realize i was a good kid and wanted to get to know my more until i was 16. so they aren't a big part of my life like they should be. something else i really remember that has opened my eyes to the sprites around me is when my mom's best friend Sara her boyfriend bobby died. I was little when it happened so my parents kept me out of what happened. Sara and Bobby lived in Yereka and always came down to see us. Every time they would come down Bobby would always bring me something, he really liked me, and i liked him. i remember Sara gave me a stuffed monkey that she had when she was little, and i named it Sara sue. the same thing happened with bobby he gave me a stuffed monkey and i named it bobby (i still have both of them). i always looked forward to seeing them, i always had so much fun with them(Sara is like my mom). well one night they were drunk and Sara was driving home, they feel into a ravine and Sara lived but they couldn't find bobby, they gave up the search and Sara decided to look for him, she found him dead. i remember Sara living at our house after the accident, and them leaving to go to the funeral, i was so mad at them that i couldn't go. but since that has happened i always feel like he still watches over me, and i get the feelings he does still.
When knowing i was going to be handed a letter that i wrote to myself as a freshman about the career i wanted i couldn't rememeber writing a letter, but i wanted to know what i wrote myself. When i wrote the letter i wanted to be a wedding planner, but wow that has changed big time since i want to work in the food industry, reading that part of the letter made me laugh. thinking about my future makes me excited, but yet scared, hoping everything works out the way i want it, even though nothing goes as planned. but everything from my past to my future will and has changed me to make me the person i am today, and i think i am not that bad of a person.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Where I Am From

I am from wood, from Irish spring and toberloom.
I am from the tall house on the hill by the swaying tree.
I am from the rose bush, and the oak tree.
I am from Mexican Train and talent, from Anthony and Amy and Bud.
I am from the caring and loving from be careful and call me when you get there.
I am from the heavens that watch above me.
I am from Cottonwood and Germany, milk and cookies.
From the back lot of MGM Studio where grandpa worked, and the training of the horses for the movies.
I am from Maui, where the breeze blows and the smell of flowers and the waves crashing on the shore.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Philosophical Objection
Everyone has a philosophical objection about everything. It can be about anything and everything, it doesn’t matter. Even if you think that everyone should just do what they are told, that person will object to something in there life at least once. It is in our human natural to object against something, and be rebellious to authority. Everyone I know has some opinion about something, like I do against abortion, people being mean to people, being way to races, not being someone’s friend because they are quite or doesn’t dress like you, being told what to do, how to dress, being bullied by a loved, and hunting. I object to way to many think and have opinions about everything.
Abortion is the biggest philosophical objection to me, and probably to many others also. I see abortion as murder, there is no other way to describe it other than that. I see it has you are willing to have the fun, but not willing to put up with the consequences. Now I know the babies have no idea what is going on, but what if that was to happen to you while in your mom. I know people have their many reason why they can’t have the baby, but you can find another way to get rid of it besides killing it. If that happened to me I don’t think I could possibly go to the clinic and do that, I would feel like the worst person in the world.
Hunting is also big to me, but instead of it being a baby it is fully alive. Yeah I know It is meat and all and it is fun but you have to think of the animal also. What if in your next life you become a deer or any other hunting animal. One day you are walking around in the woods minding your own business, your peaceful, and just eating. You start walking and you hear a noise so you stop, stand right in place. And the next thing you know you have a pain and your on the ground a few minutes later your dead. You would not like that at all. What if you are somewhere and your alone, you have been driving all day and really had to go to the bathroom, the place you stopped at didn’t look like a good place to stop but you really had to go so you don’t care you think ‘I am just going to go to the bathroom and be out, it will be fast nothing will happen’ you go into the bathroom, do your business, wash your hands, and walk out of the bathroom. You look over into the place you stopped and it has tons of food and right when you saw the food your stomach gorals. You than decide just a snack what harm can it do, even though this place your at gives you the creeps. You are looking around and you realize someone else is there also. You end up getting a sharp pain, the next thing you know your on the ground bleeding, the other guy stabbed you, he is a serial killer. The next thing you know your dead. That is another way to look at what people are doing to animals. I know they are not a human but they are similar in a way.
Everyone has a philosophical objection. and mine are against killing. everyone has a strong feeling about something, and everyone has different feeling to things. maybe you feel like hunting is fun, or abortions are something that is good for certain reason. but everyone has some philosophical objection to something, no matter who the person is.
Abortion is the biggest philosophical objection to me, and probably to many others also. I see abortion as murder, there is no other way to describe it other than that. I see it has you are willing to have the fun, but not willing to put up with the consequences. Now I know the babies have no idea what is going on, but what if that was to happen to you while in your mom. I know people have their many reason why they can’t have the baby, but you can find another way to get rid of it besides killing it. If that happened to me I don’t think I could possibly go to the clinic and do that, I would feel like the worst person in the world.
Hunting is also big to me, but instead of it being a baby it is fully alive. Yeah I know It is meat and all and it is fun but you have to think of the animal also. What if in your next life you become a deer or any other hunting animal. One day you are walking around in the woods minding your own business, your peaceful, and just eating. You start walking and you hear a noise so you stop, stand right in place. And the next thing you know you have a pain and your on the ground a few minutes later your dead. You would not like that at all. What if you are somewhere and your alone, you have been driving all day and really had to go to the bathroom, the place you stopped at didn’t look like a good place to stop but you really had to go so you don’t care you think ‘I am just going to go to the bathroom and be out, it will be fast nothing will happen’ you go into the bathroom, do your business, wash your hands, and walk out of the bathroom. You look over into the place you stopped and it has tons of food and right when you saw the food your stomach gorals. You than decide just a snack what harm can it do, even though this place your at gives you the creeps. You are looking around and you realize someone else is there also. You end up getting a sharp pain, the next thing you know your on the ground bleeding, the other guy stabbed you, he is a serial killer. The next thing you know your dead. That is another way to look at what people are doing to animals. I know they are not a human but they are similar in a way.
Everyone has a philosophical objection. and mine are against killing. everyone has a strong feeling about something, and everyone has different feeling to things. maybe you feel like hunting is fun, or abortions are something that is good for certain reason. but everyone has some philosophical objection to something, no matter who the person is.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
My Hero

He has so many qualities that makes him a hero in my eyes. To me he has every quality of a hero, he is strong, kind, generous, compassionate, selflessness, entertaining, positive, optimistic, has inner strength, determination, out going, loving, skills, and courage. But out of all of these he is mostly strong ,entertaining, determined, loving, and has inner strength. No matter how many times he has been kicked, pulled, pushed, shoved, or hit off his high horse, he always finds a way to get back on and keeps riding.
With everything he has been through I don’t know how he can still get up in the morning, get ready and go to a long day of work. When he was little he probable broke every bone in his body or hurt himself in anyway he can, I have never heard of someone being in the hospital more than my dad. He has heart problems and he has a bad back and he broke both ankles, he has dropped a huge beam on his toe, and is getting old so everything that hasn’t been hurt is hurting him. Even though he has hurt himself in everyway possible he can still go work with electricity, be on ladders all day with his hands above his head. Now to me that it one strong guy.
With someone with so much inner strength and is strong, and been through so much you know he is going to be funny to be around and entertaining. He is the person you can go to if your having a bad day he always makes it better, or tries to, which makes it funny. No matter what time of day or what is going on he always is cracking jokes or singing funny around the house(you know those songs that always get stuck in your head, yes he sings those songs) or making fun of someone to make you laugh. He is the one that makes the whole table laugh with saying one comment and the laughs continue till later on that night. He makes every situation funny no matter what it is. Now he isn’t always positive but when he is still funny and entertaining to be with.
To me my dad is very loving and caring, he always has been and always will be to everyone he knows. Now it takes him awhile to get to be nice and loving to people but it doesn’t take much. He is the family man in the family. When your sick he is the one that will take off work to come home and take care of you. He will always be the one to take care of you if anything has happened to you. When hurt he is the doctor in the family. He will go out of his way to make sure you ok, and he will always let you know he cares about you.
A hero to me is my dad he has been through so much and it has made him who he is today. If the things that happened to him didn’t happen than he wouldn’t be strong, entertaining, determined, loving, caring, and have inner strength. Everyone should look up to there parents, they care about you more than you can think about, and you should care about them just as much. My dad would go out of his way to make sure I knew he cared and loved me, and make sure I knew he would do anything for me, and I feel the same way.
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