Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What is the longest trip i have been on

I would have to say the longest trip i have to be on is my trip to Hawaii. It took for ever to get there, and i usually i go with my mom, dad, and my parents friends Amanda, David and their two kids baby Joe and baby Kate, and than go with Amana's parents Craig and Judy. ya i know a lot of people but it is so much fun, we usually go for 2 weeks, because we consider anything shorter than that for Hawaii isn't a trip. to start off our trip we go to the Redding airport fly to San Francisco, than each at a soup place in the airport, they have amazing soup in a sour dough bowl oh my gosh so good. than head off to Hawaii. we help watch the kids since they don't do good flying very well since they are 2 years old and 1 years old. once we get there we get our bags and wait for the guys to go get the car's. than once the car is packed we go straight to Costco to get supplies for our trip. than go to Buba Gumps for lunch/dinner. Than go to the place we are staying (usually a condo) and get our room, un-pack, than check out everyone else's room. usually the whole week the girls are watching the kids, on the beach, and the guys are golfing. than go out for dinner, have the guys watch the kids than walk down the streets and shop. we always have a blast and i always come home sun burnt, not tan. we do this every year, and always go back for more. i will always remember my first time there my parents took me to go ride jet ski's and i was riding with my dad and he let my drive for a little bit and the whole entire time he was yelling at me to stop and slow down but i didn't want to so i kept laughing because he was scared. the next day after that he was walking around so soar it looked like he had a stick up his butt or just left france. (lol) good times, good times.

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