Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Senior Reflection

*When you did the visualization of your funeral, how did you want to be remembered? What are some of the qualities or values that are important to you?

*During our discussion about “Circle of Influences” What were some of the important influences, events and people, in your life as you were growing up? How did these influences impact you and help shape you into the person that you are today?

*What was your reaction when you had the opportunity to read this letter again? Have your dreams or plans changed? What are some of your thoughts and feelings about your next step into the future?

Yesterday when we had to close our eyes and think of us on a country road, and we see a chapel so we walk to it thinking that the people walking inside look like people we know. we get inside and everyone in there are people that i know, they are there for my funeral. when being told to think about how i want my loved ones to remember me many things came to my mind. i would want them to think of my as a caring, loving, always happy, great person to be with, always nice, fun to be with, friendly, always the person to come to. i want to be remembered of all the good things in life put in one person (i know a lot of things in one person). I want to be remembered as a great person, but yet everyone does what to be remember as that.

I remember that when i was growing up i only had one set of grandparents, which was on my mom's side. My dad's parents were never around, my parents had something against them, i don't remember what it was exactly but i know it was big. so when my parents finally for gave them and they started big part of my life again that was really big for me. Mainly since my other set of grandparents weren't good grandparents, and didn't realize i was a good kid and wanted to get to know my more until i was 16. so they aren't a big part of my life like they should be. something else i really remember that has opened my eyes to the sprites around me is when my mom's best friend Sara her boyfriend bobby died. I was little when it happened so my parents kept me out of what happened. Sara and Bobby lived in Yereka and always came down to see us. Every time they would come down Bobby would always bring me something, he really liked me, and i liked him. i remember Sara gave me a stuffed monkey that she had when she was little, and i named it Sara sue. the same thing happened with bobby he gave me a stuffed monkey and i named it bobby (i still have both of them). i always looked forward to seeing them, i always had so much fun with them(Sara is like my mom). well one night they were drunk and Sara was driving home, they feel into a ravine and Sara lived but they couldn't find bobby, they gave up the search and Sara decided to look for him, she found him dead. i remember Sara living at our house after the accident, and them leaving to go to the funeral, i was so mad at them that i couldn't go. but since that has happened i always feel like he still watches over me, and i get the feelings he does still.

When knowing i was going to be handed a letter that i wrote to myself as a freshman about the career i wanted i couldn't rememeber writing a letter, but i wanted to know what i wrote myself. When i wrote the letter i wanted to be a wedding planner, but wow that has changed big time since i want to work in the food industry, reading that part of the letter made me laugh. thinking about my future makes me excited, but yet scared, hoping everything works out the way i want it, even though nothing goes as planned. but everything from my past to my future will and has changed me to make me the person i am today, and i think i am not that bad of a person.

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