Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Philosophical Objection

Everyone has a philosophical objection about everything. It can be about anything and everything, it doesn’t matter. Even if you think that everyone should just do what they are told, that person will object to something in there life at least once. It is in our human natural to object against something, and be rebellious to authority. Everyone I know has some opinion about something, like I do against abortion, people being mean to people, being way to races, not being someone’s friend because they are quite or doesn’t dress like you, being told what to do, how to dress, being bullied by a loved, and hunting. I object to way to many think and have opinions about everything.

Abortion is the biggest philosophical objection to me, and probably to many others also. I see abortion as murder, there is no other way to describe it other than that. I see it has you are willing to have the fun, but not willing to put up with the consequences. Now I know the babies have no idea what is going on, but what if that was to happen to you while in your mom. I know people have their many reason why they can’t have the baby, but you can find another way to get rid of it besides killing it. If that happened to me I don’t think I could possibly go to the clinic and do that, I would feel like the worst person in the world.

Hunting is also big to me, but instead of it being a baby it is fully alive. Yeah I know It is meat and all and it is fun but you have to think of the animal also. What if in your next life you become a deer or any other hunting animal. One day you are walking around in the woods minding your own business, your peaceful, and just eating. You start walking and you hear a noise so you stop, stand right in place. And the next thing you know you have a pain and your on the ground a few minutes later your dead. You would not like that at all. What if you are somewhere and your alone, you have been driving all day and really had to go to the bathroom, the place you stopped at didn’t look like a good place to stop but you really had to go so you don’t care you think ‘I am just going to go to the bathroom and be out, it will be fast nothing will happen’ you go into the bathroom, do your business, wash your hands, and walk out of the bathroom. You look over into the place you stopped and it has tons of food and right when you saw the food your stomach gorals. You than decide just a snack what harm can it do, even though this place your at gives you the creeps. You are looking around and you realize someone else is there also. You end up getting a sharp pain, the next thing you know your on the ground bleeding, the other guy stabbed you, he is a serial killer. The next thing you know your dead. That is another way to look at what people are doing to animals. I know they are not a human but they are similar in a way.

Everyone has a philosophical objection. and mine are against killing. everyone has a strong feeling about something, and everyone has different feeling to things. maybe you feel like hunting is fun, or abortions are something that is good for certain reason. but everyone has some philosophical objection to something, no matter who the person is.

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