Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Chapter 15 & 16 Questions

Chapters 15-16 Questions -

For each of these questions I would like you to explain beyond a simple yes or no. Use specific examples from the book whenever possible.

1. Do you think the monster had other realistic options for dealing with his feelings of isolation and anger?

- I think he did, he could of done what every other human pretty much does talks about it to either him self or nature, or not even act on his anger and get over it.

2. Up until this point there has been much "coincidence" that has lead the monster to Victor, for example, his finding Victor’s journal and happening to run into William in the woods. Mary Shelley has been criticized for relying too much on coincidence to advance the plot of this novel. Do you agree or disagree with this criticism? Explain your opinion.

- No i do not agree with this, if this didn't happen in the story than you would never know how he found Victor or even knew that Victor was his creator and where he was going.

3. Do you think Victor will comply with the monster’s request? Why or why not?

- I really don't know yes so than maybe the monster will leave him allow but no because than bad could happen with two monsters and than once he has his way with one thing he might ask for more

4. Do you think Victor should comply with the monster’s request? Why or why not?

- I think he sould so that way he is not lonely and he might leave him and his family alone, but if he does than once he has someone to love him he might want kids and you might never know that new monster might not even love monsty and than monsty would be even more hurt more do more damage.

5. Do you think the monster is guilty of murder? Why or why not.

- No because he didn't know what he was doing to the boy until the boy was dead.

6. Do you think that Victor is partly responsible for William’s death? If no, why not. If yes, what should be his punishment?

- Yes i do because if he didn't make the monster or didn't leave it than this would of never even happened. I am not to sure what should be his punishment death might be to harsh because he does not control the monster and it's actions maybe jail till death

7. At this point in the book, do you think the monster is truly a monster? Explain your answer.

- I think that he is gradually turning into one, if everyone was not so mean to him and ran from him than his anger to human would of never even happened.

8. Do you excuse any of the monster’s actions because he was neglected by Victor and treated in such a cruel manner by other humans?

- In a way yes but in a way no, he could of just let the anger go and not act on him agner but he was treat so badly by everyone that all he wanted to do was pay them back

9. Would you excuse another human being for his or her violent actions because he or she was previously neglected, abused, bullied or otherwise victimized? Why or why not.

- No if they were treated that way then they sould not want to treat anyone else that way to.

10. Do you think that Mary Shelley intended this novel to be critical of mankind’s scientific advancements? What kind of a statement
do you believe she might be making?

- No i think that she didn't intend to do it it just ended up happening that way. Not to treat people so badly because you actions could make them do even worse actions.